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Developing Countries Access to Scientific Knowledge

Developing Countries Access to Scientific Knowledge

The goal is to bring together all interested parties to analyze, share

experiences, promote ideas and discuss

  • at better understanding and quantifying the digital divide (e.g., differences in network performance for developed and
    developing countries)
  • concrete strategic alternatives
  • innovative technological tools
  • e-contents licensing issues

to support scientists working in remote areas and having low-bandwidth, or expensive access to on-line database services and the Internet.

During the open round table, a review of progress in implementing the

  • Recommendations of Trieste to Bridge the Digital Divide will be undertaken.

General enquires on the round table can be sent to:[email protected]

The round table will be held at the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy. The Abdus Salam ICTP has a world-wide reputation as a research centre that has as its mission the promotion and support of science in the developing world.