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Perspectives from the African Free and Open Source Software Movement

This theme dominated AfricaSource, a workshop held in Namibia in March, 2020. The meeting of 40 developers from 25 countries in the small town of Okahandja was the first chance many of the coders have had to collaborate and compare notes., in cooperation with Tactical Technologies, has written an article airing the views shared by the workshop participants and looking at ways in which the field of software development could grow in Africa.


The article is based on interviews and contains quotes from many of the delegates. Governments, often the biggest employer and spender in the economy, systematically shut locals out because they typically are not aware that a local talent pool exists, says Ugandan Wire Lunghabo James. Similarly, he says, corporations fail to look for locally produced solutions because they lack knowledge or even interest in domestically-produced solutions. To read a summary or to read the full article please go to: