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New GTP Management team and start of the March 2020 learning circle

On Monday the 16th of February the new Global Teenager Project (GTP) team at SchoolNet Africa began the joint task of management from Johannesburg, South Africa. The team, made up of Andrea Aranguren and Titi Akinsanmi, Co-Program Managers, will be working hand in hand with the SchoolNet Africa team and the larger GTP team.

Ms. Andrea Aranguren is Argentinean by birth and brings to the team financial and program management experience. She until recently was Program Manager (Finances) for the Ungana Afrika project ( 

Ms Titi Akinsanmi is a native of Nigeria. She brings in her experience from the private sector in Nigeria and from working as a volunteer with youth and gender issues across the globe. She joins the team from the Open Knowledge Network ( where she served as the information manager.

In the last three weeks, the out-going IICD GTP team, Nathan Ducastel and Neeltje Blommenstein assisted by Bob Hoffman (founding member of the GTP), have been in Johannesburg, South Africa, transferring their knowledge and experience of and on the program to the new program managers. This has involved training, the final signing of contracts between SNA and IICD and the transfer of the whole project to SNA. The  orientation phase will be concluded  in mid- March with continued support form the IICD team over the next year.

The second week of the hand-over coincided with the beginning of the March Learning Circles and has afforded the new management team hands-on experience of the core GTP program. The English Learning Circle will run from March to April 2020. Over a hundred and seventy-seven classes from 80 schools are participating. The French Learning Circle has grown with the participation of 20 classes in two Learning Circles on AIDS and World Peace. This Learning Circle will run till the first week of May 2020.

The team looks forward to the new perspective brought into the project by the SNA-GTP team and the successful running and completion of the March Learning Circles.

For more information please contact:
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