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Intel® Innovation in Education - Schools ICT Conference

The Western Cape Schools Network is hosting The Intel(R) Innovation in Education schools ICT conference with major sponsorship from Intel. This international conference focuses on schools ICT in Africa as a whole, with delegates coming from South Africa, many African countries and other countries throughout the world. SchoolNet SA and SchoolNet Africa are involved in programme development and many delegates who will be attending are involved with SchoolNet projects throughout the continent. You are invited to share your experiences and success stories, no matter how simple, with an audience that is always willing to learn. By doing this you will encourage others and contribute towards improving schools ICT practice on this continent. You are invited to share your humble experiences with an audience that is always willing to learn. No matter how simple your success story is, it is worth sharing. By doing this you will encourage others and contribute towards improving schools ICT practice on this continent.
Date:5, 6, 7 April 2020