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ThinkQuest Africa training

ThinkQuest Africa in cooperation with RITSEC started a training program on the 25th of January to coincide with the mid year break. Thanks to the great effort of RITSEC staff, they were able to raise local sponsorship from the private sector to increase the participation in the program, the total number of participants are 180, and training is run parallel in 8 locations in cooperation with the ministry of education and 2 other NGO's in addition to RITSEC labs.

The program so far had a great impact on the national level and more participants are calling to register, the national television conducted several interviews with the participating students and is broadcasting it on Channel 2 thus providing great visibility to the partner, TQA and the sponsors. Thanks to our partners in RITSEC for their dedication and continuos support to TQA.

By Amr Hamdy

TQA Project Manager