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Consultation On 'Education for All' Plan Launched

According to the Education minister, the tasks on this project correspond to the fundamental education necessities of citizens and its implementation should not depend on one sector of the society.

The national plan on Education For All is intended to improve the quality of education in Angola and respond to specific needs of an education system that is deeply affected by the long armed conflict which swept the country and the socio-economic instability.
The Education minister informed that the referred plan, which is a document with 135 pages, will contribute to the eradication of poverty in the country, through the improvement of the education system, and it will also promote sustainable development.
The project, whose implementation will go up to the year 2020, is estimated at 825 million US Dollars. About 70 per cent of this amount is for operational costs.
The priority sectors are those of infancy, primary schooling, literacy and education for adults.
The feasibility of the project depends on the results of the Government's strategy for macro-economic development, meaning a substantial growth of the economy and reduction of the debt as well as increase fiscal revenue.
"The success in the execution of the plan imposes conjugated effort from the civil society, with emphasis to religion, Trade Unions, Non-Governmental and socio-professional Organisations, because, the education situation in the country calls for it", the document reads.
The public consultation will end on 16 February with a Workshop that will go up to 21 February aiming at finding a definitive consensus on the Plan.
During the session, the Education minister and director-general of UNESCO signed a general cooperation agreement, outlining the assistance of this UN institution in training primary school teachers.
This project is the result of a request made by the Angolan Government, and will be financed by the Japanese Government, through UNESCO.