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E-readiness reports

E-readiness reports will provide a range of information that will help you to create and implement sustainable e-readiness strategies. Some specific kinds of information would be for example, definitions of e-readiness, the goal and results of assessment tools, and how these results could be used in practice.
Several reports that document the findings from E-readiness assessments have been compiled and provide useful examples of how E-readiness can be assessed. We have included a variety of such reports in this section. These are reports that have been produced by various institutions and researchers on Benchmarks and Indicators to date.


SADC E-Readiness Review and Strategy – Recommendations for the SADC E-readiness Task Force
Written in June 2020, this report presents the results and recommendations of a strategy process for improving the overall E-readiness of the SADC region. [2020]

Readiness for the Networked
A Guide for Developing Countries [2020]

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